Les Journées Européennes du mur de l’Atlantique
European Bunker Day is the central event of Atlantikwall Europe, and the main platform for the communication and actions about this ‘difficult’ heritage that the Atlantic Wall is.
Based on Dutch ‘Bunkerdag’ event (and also organized in 2017 on a small scale in West-Flanders, Belgium, together with AWE partner Raversyde), European Bunker Day is about opening as many Atlantic Wall sites as possible once a year around June for the larger public to promote Atlantic Wall heritage through cultural actions.
European Bunker Day is not restricted to bunker sites on the coast. Any interested organization in the relevance of WW II heritage around the Atlantic Wall region is invited to participate.
Les Journées du mur de l’Atlantique
All Atlantic Wall countries participate under the name of Bunker Day in European Bunker Day. The power of Bunker Day is that all communication and marketing efforts can be directed on a national level at one day for all participants. They become part of a European event with a corresponding look and feel, thus attracting more public that they normally would. On top of that, they become a partner of AWE and thus a member of a European-wide network of Atlantic Wall sites and organizations, with access to information and knowledge, and the possibility to participate in future activities of AWE.
For the public, Bunker Day is an opportunity to visit as many sites as one might with one ticket, and experience the heritage and the activities organized by the participants. At the same time visitors can enjoy the coastal landscape and the sea, or places/sites they never thought to be visiting because they normally are not accessible or open to the public. Bunker Day is adventurous, surprising and thrilling!
The first European Bunker Day started in 2018 in three countries, but it will expand towards all AWE partners by 2019 and 2020. European Bunker Day will become a European-wide happening and will combine the opening of Atlantic Wall sites as part of a network, with actions on societal relevant issues and/or art representations.
Besides the opening of the memorial sites and museums, supported by common communication material, logo’s, website and banners, each site is invited to combine its European Bunker Day action with a (cultural) action in order to underline the relevance of its heritage:
- guided tours, walks, theatre, music, exhibitions, lectures, performances, re-enactment, conferences, etc.
- establishment of a special entrance fee on Bunker Day
Les Journées Européennes du mur de l’Atlantique
Each European country has its own Bunker Day. The 2020 schedule is:
- Journées Européennes du mur de l’Atlantique en France, samedi 30 mai 2020
- Journées Européennes du mur de l’Atlantique en Pays Bas, samedi 6 juin 2020
- Journées Européennes du mur de l’Atlantique aux Îles anglo-normandes, samedi 6 juin 2020
- Journées Européennes du mur de l’Atlantique en Norvège, samedi 6 juin 2020
- Journées Européennes du mur de l’Atlantique en Danemark, samedi 6 Juin 2020
- Journées Européennes du mur de l’Atlantique en Belgique, dimanche 7 juin 2020
- Journées Européennes du mur de l’Atlantique en Allemagne, juin
European Bunker Day contact points
- Alderney: Christine Bonhomme
- Belgium: Domein Raversyde, Mathieu de Meyer
- Denmark: Museumscenter Hanstholm, ja@museumscenterhanstholm.dk
- France: La Fabrique de Patrimoine, Aurélien Marie
- Guernsey: Rachel Marsh
- Jersey: Jersey Heritage, Chris Addy
- Germany: Bunkermuseum Emden, Frans Lensink
- Norway: Museum Vest, Ole-Jacob Abraham
- Netherlands: Stichting Europees Erfgoed Atlantikwall, Geert-Jan Mellink
- General contact European Bunker Day: Raf Deroo
Guide pratique pour organiser une Journée Mur d’Atlantique
Guide d'identé visuelle pour les Journées européennes du mur de l’Atlantique
Télécharger le guide d'identé visuelle pour les Journées européennes du mur de l’Atlantique
Logos and templates
Go to the download section of this website to download the logos and templates for leaflets, programme guides, posters and other European Bunker Day products from the above mentioned visual identity guides.