Workshop Tatihou
Preceded by a steering committee meeting, AWE partner Fabrique de Patrimoines de Normandie and Département de la Manche organized a workshop on 27 April 2019 on Ile de Tatihou in the Cotentin, a Vauban UNESCO and Atlantic Wall site. The workshop wanted to give an overview of the different actions on which the European project wanted to focus: the arts, education, valorisation of the patrimony, and digital and touristic access.
A number of local artists from Normandy, active in locations near the D-Day beaches and the Radar Museum in Douvres-la-Délivrande, the Interreg project MMIAH for Atlantic Heritage (, the European Bunker Day and various experts nurturing presentations on these subjects. AWE network partner Wall&Peace then hosted a live art event at one of the bunkers on the island, which would remain on view until the start of European Bunker Day a few weeks later.
Members of the AWE Steering Committee were given a tour the following day that took them past the Azeville Coastal Battery Museum, a site where combat had taken place during D-Day, and the site where an old German officers' canteen is being restored and turned into a museum.