What will be my role as Atlantikwall Heritage site?
First, the participating sites send planning, photos and planned actions and dates to the national contact point which collects them from all national participants and sends it to Atlantikwall Europe.
Besides the opening of the memorial sites and museums on a national day, supported by common communication material, logo’s, website and banners, each site is invited to combine its Bunker Day action with a (cultural) action in order to underline the relevance of its heritage:
- guided tours, walks, theatre, music, exhibitions, lectures, performances, conferences, etc. (see also for inspiration the European Bunker Day Handbook)
- focus on grammar school groups and integrated activities (testimonies, arts)
- establishment of a special entrance fee (or not) on Bunker Day.
Participating in EU-subsidised activities comes understandably with certain obligations. As a participant in the European Bunker Day, you have to:
- enrich the opening of your site on Bunker Day with a cultural action reflecting on or relating to the Atlantic Wall European heritage
- inform on the day and on your website and social media accounts and all other communications before, on and around the Bunker Day date about your participation in European Bunker Day and your membership of Atlantikwall Europe (use of visuals)
- use the provided Atlantikwall Europe and European Bunker Day visuals and logos on all sites and communication material (see website for downloading), and use hashtags #europeanbunkerday #atlantikwalleurope #europeforculture
- send, within one month after your event, photo material, links, copies of brochures on your event to your national contact point.
- be respectful in the communication at and about your Atlantikwall Europe / European Bunker Day event.
Handbook European Bunker Day Handbook
A practical guide for the organisation of a Bunker Day in your country with Atlantikwall Europe.