Webinar: Outdoor events around bunkersites

March 18th, 2021

Thursday March 18th AtlantikWall Europe organized a webinar focussing on the question how sites can organise public access to their surroundings and still tell their stories even thought access to their buildings may be limited.


Entry of participants: Rafaël Deroo, network coordinator Atlantikwall Europe

Start of the webinar
Welcome and Atlantikwall Europe project presentation: Mathieu de Meyer, project leader Atlantikwall Europe (AWE) & director Atlantikwall Raversyde: short introduction to the AWE-webinars and European Bunker Day  

Belgium Outdoor Capacity Info

  • Sarah Goderis, Atlantikwall Raversyde, coordinator of Bunker Day Belgium, Examples of Coronaproof activities for the 2021 European Bunker Day in Belgiu
  • Tine Vandezande, event manager Herita, coordinator of the Heritage Days in Belgium, Practical examples of corona safe activities on Heritage Days

Netherlands Outdoor Capacity Info  

France Outdoor Capacity Info
Marc Pottier, director La Fabrique de Patrimoines en Normandie, France

Channel Islands Outdoor Capacity Info
Christopher Addy, Sites Curator Jersey Heritage, Channel Islands

Germany Outdoor Capacity: Dirk Röder, vice-president Forte Cultura Network of the Culture Route Fortified Monuments, Germany - Download the presentation (Powerpoint)

Denmark Outdoor Capacity: John Jensen, researcher Blåvand Tirpitz Museum, Denmark - Download the presentation (Powerpoint)

Norway Outdoor Capacity: Ole-Jacob Abraham, assistant-director Museum Vest, Norway - Download the presentation (Powerpoint)

Small break

5 BREAK-OUT rooms with request of feedback / ideas:

  • Marco van Baalen, Stichting Europees Erfgoed Atlantikwall
  • Rafaël Deroo, network coordinator
  • Liesbeth Gellinck, Vlaamse Landmaatschappij
  • Sarah Goderis, Atlantikwall Raversyde
  • Sophie Pottier, La Fabrique de Patrimoines

Resumé of break-out rooms by each coordinator of every individual break-out room / answers to possible questions in the chat, with Mathieu de Meyer

End of the webinar and announcement of next events